Don’t despair!! The Comedy Auction will happen Covid or no! We’re moving online and we have a fantastic line-up of items. Visit our Comedy Auction Facebook page for details and videos. The auction is open until Saturday August 8th.
Category Archives: Wells History
Wells Hysterical Society Comedy Auction
The annual Wells Hysterical Society Comedy Auction was held this past Friday July 26th, and it was a great one! Performances, drinks, and exciting items were just some of the features of this year’s auction. Our guests had a look at the lots before the show to prepare their bids. Once everybody had taken their […]
Island Mountain Mine Office to Museum: A 20-Year Celebration
Twenty years ago, the Wells Museum re-opened its doors in what was once the Island Mountain Mine office. The people of Wells came together with a team of engineers to renovate the old building. Luckily, the crew very thoroughly documented the entire process. Because of this, we are able to publish an online photo album […]
The Labour Movement in Wells
The 1937 strike by workers of the Island Mountain Mine and Cariboo Gold Quartz Mining Company (CGQ) was characterised by bitterness between the workers and the employers. A dispute prior to the start of the strike spurred the action. An Island Mountain mill crew disagreed with management over seniority issues. They disliked that a new […]
First School Visit of the Year!
This week, I was lucky to open the museum to the first school tour of the year! The Wells-Barkerville Elementary school was invited for an open house, as an extension of B.C. Heritage Week. I must tell you, having students wander around the museum, engaged with their local history and enjoying artifacts that helped shape […]
Annual General Meeting
Hey everyone, We’ll be having our Annual General Meeting on March 19 at 7 p.m. Do you have any ideas about what you would like to see happen with the Museum? Would you like to become an active member of the Wells Historical Society? The board of directors will be there to discuss the future! […]
New Website, New Project!
I finished cleaning up after the Website Launch Open House and I’ve finally gotten the time to sit down and write a bulletin for this beautiful new page. It’s been a busy few months for the Society and we’re glad that our hard work has paid off and we were able to celebrate on Monday, […]